swirlsAs a psychologist, executive coach and consultant I have acquired many skills to work with my own development and struggles as well as those of my clients.  Yet when I get stuck, Chris is my go-to person.  She has a remarkable way of connecting with me, and her work is highly effective; which creates lasting change in just one or two sessions.  She has been a great resource for my clients to take their insights into healing.  She is trustworthy, qualified, responsive, professional and very caring.  She is the place I go to for working through challenges that have me unable to bring my best self to the world.
–Helene Roos, Psy.D

swirls After years of talk therapy, I had a session with the magical Christine Wheeler, and felt I was finally understanding how to change - and not just TALK about change. She took me to places I longed to go - allowed me to heal quickly, and painlessly. I walked out of our first session, and colours were brighter - life was shinier. She helped me acquire the tools I needed, in order to push my career further. I was only there for a few sessions.
She is effective, understanding, soft and has a comforting energy.
I highly recommend Christine Wheeler - she is brilliant!"
France Perras, actress/voice artist/producer

swirls Chris Wheeler is a very gifted, insightful, intuitive healer.  I have worked with Chris for about five years.  We met when she co-lead EFT workshops on the East Coast.  We had an immediate connection, so when I wanted to continue the healing sparked at the workshop, I turned to Chris.   Since we were separated by 3,000 miles, phone work was the only alternative and I wasn’t sure how that would work out.
I am a licensed clinical social worker, so face to face was my only reference.  Well, it worked out just fine.  Now, I prefer it.  In my sessions with Chris I feel her presence strongly, as if she is sitting beside me on the couch as we go through the process.  Plus, I get to do the work while in the safety and comfort of my own living room.
My healing has been profound and life changing.  So many unhealed parts of my personality have healed under Chris’ loving direction. I have been pretty fearless; I have been willing to “go there”.  I am willing because Chris is with me.  She is so supportive as I work through childhood issues that once broke my heart to even think about and now are memories without the emotional charge.
What I love now is that Chris is my “on-call” therapist.  When a situation spikes a strong emotional reaction that seems to need some clearing, I call Chris.  I take the opportunity of a painful situation to heal a part that still needs some attention.  I don’t have to be “in therapy” to continue to raise my energy level by unhooking from past patterns.  Chris is only a phone call away and will partner with me when asked.  I am lucky to have Chris in my life.

swirls Christine – to the most inspirational, kind, caring person I know. You are the BEST BUSINESS COACH EVER!! If it wasn’t for your coaching and guidance I wouldn’t have the opportunity to experience all the amazing things I have. I so appreciate your kind spirit, your on-the-mark perspective, your generous heart and your loving kicks in the butt every now and then when needed. You are one INCREDIBLE LADY!
Dawn Larsen,
Navigator Marketing

swirls I originally started seeing Christine to help me cope in the aftermath of a traumatic event. I had always had problems with anxiety and Christine was able to give me the tools I needed to help deal with it. In the past, this anxiety had also crept in to my work as an actor. I felt I had missed opportunities while auditioning due to being flustered and exceptionally nervous.
With the tools I was given by Christine, I have been able to deal with my anxiety both personally and professionally. I am able to take bigger personal “risks” (ie; not being scared to shine, not being overwhelmed by major tasks) that have already started to pay off in all areas of my life, acting being one of them.
I was at the most vulnerable point I’ve ever been in my life when I started sessions with Christine and she was able to help me in the most kind, compassionate way. I never once worried that I was in anything but extremely capable hands. Christine is the best of the best.

swirls I saw Christine because I was experiencing low energy and it was hard to get things done. However, through working with Christine I became aware the low energy was unexpressed emotions which were draining me. I religiously followed the techniques that she gave me and I can honestly say that now I feel lighter and have much more steam to do things. Thank you.
–RAJ GILL B.Sc., ART, CPCC – Vancouver, BC
Certified Professional Coach

swirls I was new to energy psychology techniques when I worked with Chris Wheeler who taught me some exercises that I could do on my own to improve my experience while running. While I was running I was stopped at a light and to keep myself busy while I waited I started doing some of the exercises Christine taught me. Once the light changed, I noticed a change in my pace. I decided to visualize tapping and positive affirmations. When I got home I was amazed at my time, I ran this particularly difficult hill run four minutes faster than my best time.

swirls Christine Wheeler’s work is amazing! As an actor, it has proven to be invaluable; releasing old patterns, fears and anxieties which have been preventing me from being confident and fully present in auditions and while acting.

swirls There are many things in my life that I am grateful for. Having the nerve to pick up the phone and call Christine Wheeler is one of them. Learning EFT and how to breathe through stressful situations (like the fear of public speaking!) will benefit me for years to come. Christine creates a wonderful, safe space that allows you to overcome your challenges and in my case, take hold of my future. Thank you Christine – I wish you every happiness.
–Angela Wilkins

swirls I’m so grateful to have found Christine. She asked all the right questions to uncover the root of my speaking anxiety. As we tapped through the negative beliefs and ideas that were holding me back, I felt comfortable and supported. I will continue to use the techniques she showed me to improve other areas of my life.

–L. Rodgers.