“It has been said that the emotional wounds of high school have the half-life of uranium. And there’s a lot of truth to that statement. In my decades of medical practice, I’ve seen the adverse effects of these wounds years later—in the minds, spirits, and emotions of adult women. But this doesn’t have to be the case.” — Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Dealing with grades, bullying, friendships, parents, crushes . . . it’s enough to make any teenage girl wish she could snap her fingers and make it all go away. The good news is, you almost can—except it’s not “snapping” but “tapping”!
Formally known as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), this revolutionary practice can help you reduce your feelings of anxiety and overwhelm, boost your confidence, and unpack the “stress backpack” you may not even know you’re carrying.
In The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls, expert EFT practitioner Christine Wheeler explains the basics of the technique (it actually involves tapping, with your fingers, on energy points on your own body, and you can do it anywhere, anytime). Then she gives you simple yet powerful instructions for tapping on common challenges such as:
- Schoolwork, tests, grades, and planning for college
- Appearance and body image
- Dating, breakups, and dealing with sexual feelings
- Divorce, siblings, and blended families
Throughout the book, comments from 16-year-old Cassidy, the author’s teen consultant, keep it real with helpful perspectives on how this tapping thing works—and it does work! In these pages, you’ll discover that a super effective tool for dealing with stress is literally at your fingertips.
If you’re ready to be true to yourself, stop freaking out, and keep being awesome, The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls is the perfect solution for you!
“Christine Wheeler has done a fantastic job of navigating the many challenges teenage girls face. I’m excited and honored to recommend this book for them and the many adults who love and nurture them. ”
— Nick Ortner, New York Times best-selling author of
The Tapping Solution and The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief
Christine Wheeler has been an EFT Tapping practitioner since 2002, co-authored IBS for Dummies --one of the first mainstream health books to include significant information on EFT as a soothing option-- and The IBS Cookbook for Dummies, as well as EFT articles on alternative health websites. In her private practice Christine works to help alleviate physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges with her clients, and teaches EFT to parents, school counselors, and youth addictions counselors to put this unique self-help tool into the hands of people who are caregivers for youth.
“The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls provides teenage girls with precisely the tools they need to regularly and effectively discharge the emotional stress of their intense lives. As a result, girls have the opportunity to reach adulthood as whole, confident women—unencumbered by a lot of baggage from their teen years. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has a teenage daughter or who cares about one.” — Christiane Northrup, M.D., New York Times best-selling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and Goddesses Never Age.
What Can We Tap On?
What just happened? Was it upsetting? That’s an event that you can tap on. The fact is, events happen. Some are positive and some are negative:
- Your parents won’t let you go to a movie
- Your friend says something funny
- Your brother reads your texts
- You get an A on a test
You get a C on a test
- You get a part in the school play
- You don’t get picked for the team
- You come in first in the competition
- The person you like ignores you
- The teacher hands out a pop quiz
- You get called on in class
- You get startled by something
- You fall and skin your knee
- Your pet dies
- The person you like flirts with you
Any event that’s negative, and therefore upsetting, is something to tap on, and it’s super easy to create a setup phrase from anything on this list.
Tap on past events
Is there an event from your past that you never really got over? Something you still think about, that’s still upsetting you even though it happened months or years ago? Maybe people are telling you that you need to get over it, move on, and stop sulking about it. But it’s difficult, right? It can feel like you’re stuck there. Tapping will help you unstick these past events.
- My parents got divorced
- My grandparent died
- I broke up with my person
- I had an illness
- My BFF moved away
When you’re tapping on past events, you still check in with your level of intensity on a scale of 0 to 10. But you check in with how you’re feeling now, not how you felt when it first happened. Make sense? So when your BFF moved away, that might have felt like a 20 out of 10. Now time has passed, so you measure how upset you feel about it now.
Make your own list of events from the past that still bother you, that you feel like you never quite got over. You might fill in the blank: I haven’t been the same since __________ happened.
Some girls give themselves a tapping spa treatment once a week and set aside 10 or 15 minutes to tap on past events from their lists. The timing is up to you; some girls do this before bed and others pick a weekend afternoon. Anytime is a good time to tap on these past events and get back on track to being your awesome self.
Tap on present events
Tap as soon as you can. If possible, try to tap while the event is still happening. Imagine you’re sitting in class and you’re watching presentations and you know you’re up next. As you watch your classmate give his speech, you start feeling nervous.
- I have a pop quiz
- I fall and skin my knee
- I’m in a fight with my friend
- I have a performance/game
Tapping on present events is an awesome way to deal more calmly with something that’s happening right now. If you’ve just been surprised by a pop quiz and you tap away at your finger points for a couple of minutes, you’ll clear your mind and activate your brain’s ability to focus. I get that you’re not going to do a round of tapping out loud, with a setup statement and reminder phrases, while sitting in class!
Tapping silently is a great alternative to staring at the page and sweating because you didn’t do your homework the night before.
I love this so much! I use the finger points or the karate chop point on the side of
my hand and tap when I’m about to take an exam. It takes my nervousness and worry
right away and helps me focus. When the teacher hands out the exam, I can jump into
it with confidence and a calm mind. It has honestly saved my life.
Tap on future events
One of the best uses of tapping is to calm the anticipation you might have about future events.
- I have finals coming up
- I have the lead in the school play
- My team is going to the playoffs
Imagine being able to calm your nervousness and anxiety about an upcoming event, whether it’s an exam, performance, game, or competition. You know how you can feel clammy and get a knot in your stomach just thinking about a future event like one of these? Tapping now about something that’s going to happen can help you prepare calmly. Whether you’re studying, practicing, researching, or just thinking about the future event, tapping will help you do all those things with more ease and confidence. So if you ever find yourself saying that you’re dreading that soccer game, school play, or exam, take the time to tap now. You might even calm yourself enough to notice that you’re actually excited.
Are you ready to start tapping?
“Oh, how I wish I had this book when I was a teenager! The angst, the stress, the confusion, so much of it is cleared up in this fantastic guide, and most importantly, the incredible resource of EFT is explained in wonderful detail. I can’t go back in time, but I will share this book with all the teenage girls I know!”
— Kris Carr, New York Times best-selling author
“This is the book everyone out of their teens wishes they had as a teenager! Chris Wheeler is making that wish come true for a new generation of teens. The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls is relatable, easy to follow, and transformational. The best part is knowing this information will not only help you now, but for years to come.”
— Jessica Ortner, author of The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence
“I will use this book in my medical practice for every teen! Teenage anxiety is a huge cause of teen illness and disease as an adult. This is by far the most useful book I’ve come across to support teens and really call out the disturbing thoughts they haven't been able to communicate to anyone. This book will change the lives of millions!”
— Kim D’Eramo, D.O., ABEM board-certified emergency physician and founder of the American Institute of Mind Body Medicine
“It’s never too early to start living consciously! The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls is a terrific resource to help girls ease their burdens and boost their confidence in every area of life, from school and family to friendships and romance to appreciating their own changing bodies. I applaud Christine Wheeler for equipping her readers with the tools to feel and release their emotions, loosen the grip of stress, and grow into the most vibrant, connected, joyful women they can be. I only wish this remarkable book had been available when my own daughter was a teenager.”
— Gay Hendricks, author of The Big Leap and co-author with Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks of Conscious Loving Ever After
“I absolutely love this book! As the mother of a teenager, I know that there is no greater problem in a girl’s life than the continuing, ever-expanding stress that our kids go through—both as they grow and change internally and as they face the outer pressures of high school and college applications. To be able to offer a simple tool that is so effective is a real game changer. I want every teenager to have access to this information. It’s not only helpful now, but it’s a phenomenal tool for life. One of the most fun aspects of the book is the guidance of Cassidy, a teenager who uses tapping and brings us into her life to help makes the connection of to how she uses this technique to battle her stress bombs. I am less stressed just knowing this book is in the world!!”
— Regena Thomashauer, founder of Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts
“A wise and sympathetic guide written for one of the most powerful, yet underappreciated, audiences on the planet, the teenage girl. By helping them to help themselves, with tips and tools for unlocking their inner strength, we will help to usher in a spectacular new world order.”
— Mike Dooley, New York Times best-selling author of Infinite Possibilities
“I first learned EFT tapping from Chris Wheeler back in 2006 and instantly recognized that it had the potential to be a great tool in helping my then nine-year-old daughter navigate the inevitable challenges of life. Ten years later, a plethora of ‘inevitable challenges’ under our belt, and tapping has proven to be the go-to tool for pretty much anything! We have used it for everything from test anxiety, sports, and musical performances to managing moves to other continents and even the occasional heartache. The best thing is that once you reap the benefits and understand how to apply it, tapping just assimilates itself into your life. And if I do forget, my daughter is the first to remind me, ‘Mom . . . did you tap on it?’ My teen years were tumultuous to say the least, and seeing just how freeing tapping is, I pretty much begged Chris to write a how-to book for all teenage girls. Chris has a unique way of being able to connect with girls, assuring them that their upsets may seem like the end of the world but they’re completely normal and manageable with tapping. It doesn’t have to be so hard, and it won’t be with this book on your bedside table!”
— Terri Tatchell, Academy Award–nominated screenwriter
The latest in Hay House’s Tapping Solution series brings the powerful self-healing tools in the New York Times bestseller The Tapping Solution to a vast and eager new audience: teenage girls. In this new work (with foreword by Tapping Solution creator Nick Ortner), expert EFT practitioner Christine Wheeler teaches teen girls how to use tapping to reduce stress and have more confidence in almost any situation.
The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls offers dozens of tapping scripts on such topics as:
- Grades, report cards, test anxiety, and college
- Conflicts with parents, siblings, and blended families
- Sexual feelings, natural curiosity, and how to live in a changing body
- Friendships, romantic relationships, and breakups
- Appearance and body image
When a teenage girl is going through tough times, there may be only so much a caring adult can do. This book puts the tools for healing right in girls’ hands, helping unload the “stress backpack” that so many teens carry around so they can enter the next stages of their lives with less anxiety and more awesome! Comments throughout from the author’s teen consultant, 16-year-old Cassidy, and the rest of her Teen Tapping Team keep it real with insight and encouragement from a teen’s perspective.
Buy The Tapping Solution For Teenage Girls
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