I am so grateful to my younger self that, despite all the messages I received about writing, I kept on writing. When I was 17, I finally got the courage to share my work with my sister's boyfriend who was studying English at university. He was like a big brother to me and I finally felt safe sharing some of my poems and stories.

christine-wheeler-authorI was excitedly anticipating the kind and supportive feedback I'd receive from my "big brother", when I overheard him and my sister laughing while they read my poems out loud. They didn't know I was home.

I can't begin to explain how horrifying that was. But, if you've had someone read and mock your journal or other personal writing, then please tap along with some of the phrases I used as an adult to release the humiliation of this event.

(This article assumes you have an understanding of the tapping process. If not, please scoot to my website for tapping instructions)

While tapping the karate chop point, repeat these statements:

  • Even though I shared my innermost thoughts and he gave them to my sister, I love and accept myself.
  • Even though they laughed at me and my words and my feelings, I love and accept myself now.
  • Even though I was so humiliated, I didn't know what to do, I'd rather release that memory at a cellular level.
  • Even though I can never trust anyone with my writing, I need to trust myself as a writer.
  • Even though I wanted my writing to be kept a secret, I'd rather release this fear of being exposed.
  • Even though nobody can find out I’m writing, I'll keep writing anyway.
  • Even though I trusted him and he betrayed me, I'd rather release these memories at a cellular level.

Eyebrow: I should have known better than to trust him with my writing...
Side of Eye: I was so humiliated...
Under Eye: They laughed at me... at my soul
Under Nose: I can't believe they did that...
Chin: I wanted my writing to be kept secret...
Collar Bone: I can't trust anyone with my writing...
Under Arm: I need to trust myself as a writer...
Top of Head: It's time to release this deep hurt at a cellular level...

Eyebrow: I felt so exposed...
Side of Eye: But I'm okay...
Under Eye: That happened, it's over...
Under Nose: And I release the fear of it happening again...
Chin: I'd rather trust myself as a writer and keep writing...
Collar Bone: I'd rather be open to editorial comments...
Under Arm: Without imagining their laughter...
Top of Head: I am a writer and I will keep writing.

Most writers that I’ve worked with came to realize that their current fears and anxieties about writing had their roots in childhood experiences that left them with clear, negative messages about writing. When writer’s block rears its intrusive head, there is, at least in my experience, always a thumbprint or footprint of previous disruption.

As an adult writer, you might freeze, mid-sentence, unable to proceed with a thought. Some simple tapping can often open the door to exploring a deep layer of blockage:

  • Even though I am stuck here, mid-sentence, I have nothing else to say, I love and accept myself and my voice.
  • Even though I can’t let anyone read this trash, I'd rather stop prejudging my own writing now.
  • Even though I am terrified because I have to finish this project but I’m stuck, I'm open to feeling more neutral about my work.
  • Even though I’m frozen, I'm open to melting into the flow of writing.
  • Even though my writing is crap, I need to stop speaking about my work this way.
  • Even though it’s ridiculous to think I can write, I'm going to write about that feeling!
  • Even though it is torture to write, but I’m compelled to write, I'd rather follow my writer's heart.

After doing some tapping, take some time to continue to deeply explore your thoughts and feelings. Grab some paper and a pen.

What are your first memories and experiences around writing?

What comes to mind? Write these things down and begin tapping. This is a great jumping off point to start clearing issues like fear of rejection, fear of success, fear of exposure, fear of humiliation.

Of course this series, How I Blocked Writer's Block is just a snippet of the story of my journey as a writer, but a great place to start with your own tapping.

By tapping on these, and many other events, I went from being a secretive writer, to a published co-author of two books in the For Dummies franchise - IBS for Dummies and the IBS Cookbook for Dummies.

And now, my third book, a Hay House publication, The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls: How to Stop Freaking Out and Keep Being Awesome, is available everywhere!

I know I would never have written a book about tapping if I hadn't done a lot of tapping about writing!

You can do some tapping on your own, or if you'd like coaching and support from me as you leap over your own creative hurdles,
scoot here to find out if my Write Now Coaching package might be a fit for you.
Or simply Contact Me now for more info.

I also wrote a section for adults in my book, The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls so that you can use the exercises in the book to resolve the teenage upsets that might be interfering with finding your own creative voice.

See you soon!

Keep being awesome!















