In Part 1 of this blog I wrote about overcoming writer's block using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping. As an adult I realized that I had very early childhood memories of being chastised for my creative wordplay by my mother. At six years old, I'd already learned it wasn't safe to be creative and it certainly wasn't safe for me to share what I created. 
Tapping on the aforementioned issue, of not feeling safe to freely express my creative voice, opened a door to a room where the roots of my problems with writer's block, were sprouting.
Picture a circular room with several doors. Now picture an issue that you want to overcome sitting in the middle of that circular room. Each door is a gateway to that issue and represents a different perspective, or aspect of that same issue. My issue, for example, had many doors surrounding it, which is the case for most of the writers and creative souls who I work with.
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I am so grateful to my younger self that, despite all the messages I received about writing, I kept on writing. When I was 17, I finally got the courage to share my work with my sister's boyfriend who was studying English at university. He was like a big brother to me and I finally felt safe sharing some of my poems and stories.
I was excitedly anticipating the kind and supportive feedback I'd receive from my "big brother", when I overheard him and my sister laughing while they read my poems out loud. They didn't know I was home.
I can't begin to explain how horrifying that was. But, if you've had someone read and mock your journal or other personal writing, then please tap along with some of the phrases I used as an adult to release the humiliation of this event.
(This article assumes you have an understanding of the tapping process. If not, please scoot to my website for tapping instructions)
While tapping the karate chop point, repeat these statements:
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